Create a Tokensale

This is a high level overview of the features on the DAOLaunch platform.

Create Token Sale

The token creation function enables users to create tokens for their tokensale. It's an easy and simple step with no coding knowledge required.

Cross-chain Interoperability

This is already adopted in the Ethereum and BSC/Binance smart chain but we are ready to adopt other blockchains as well and already considering L2 solutions.

Tokenmetrics PieChart

Set your token metrics with a nicely designed pie chart and share with your social media networks. The token metrics function also provides a smart contract token lockup functionality. You can easily set a vesting period for your team's allocation to show transparency to your investors.

Decentralized Fundraising

  • Users can create a token sale from your connected address without any custodial *

  • Set price, Hard Cap, Soft Cap, duration, and min/max per address.

  • Once your token sale is complete your native tokens will automatically be distributed and the funds will be sent by the smart contract.

  • If the sail fails to reach the Soft Cap when the sale is finished, the funds that have been raised will be sent to the investors automatically.

Design and edit your project

You can add images such as logos logo and design and upload supporting documents like your pitch deck, marketing plan.

Whitelist features

Upload CSV files with addresses in a few simple steps.

Token distribution with a vesting period

Set the first distribution date and unlock rate, choose the distribution intervals and unlock rate each time at your preference. You can also check when your token is complete for distribution as you set the vesting period.

Set listing information

DeFi innovation enables anyone to create financial products. It introduces more freedom and a competitive environment, but it also attracts scammers. Show the integrity of your project by being transparent to attract more retail investors' attention.

Set a listing price and indicate what percentage of raised funds will be used for liquidity and how long will it be locked in the designated AMM. The smart contract will automatically list and lock your tokens after the token sale is finished. Let investors know the exit information before they invest, this is the best way to show integrity and how attractive your project is.

Multiple Tokensale

You can conduct multiple token sales using the same tokens, however, the token sale duration must not overlap. Additionally, you can not change exit information once your past token sale is successful ensuring safety for investors.

Last updated